Tuesday 14 July 2009

A Brief History of Time

Anyone who has taken the time to read my interests will notice that one of the first things I have listed is Astronomy. This is something that has fascinated me since I was about 7 years old. In the past month or so I have been studying Astronomy in my own time and also doing worksheets covering physics, mathematics and a little chemistry. To allow my brain time to rest a little I thought some Astronomy related literature would be a nice change. So today I went and purchased A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.

I have to say up to now it is definitely a page turner but it definitely will not allow my mind to rest haha. It is however a fascinating read and raises alot of questions about the universe and how it all began. The introduction of the book was written by Carl Sagan and he raises a very good point that has had my brain whirring since I read it and that is; Children often ask questions about the Universe and want to know how and why it began but why do adults never do this? My boyfriend and I often say that it seems incredibly strange that average person never even notices the stars when they shine on a clear and dark evening and most people rarely acknowledge they are there. But why is this?

Apologies if I sound like some geek or new age hippy but if you ask me people are far too wrapped in consumerism nowadays. If everyone took 5 minutes out of their lives to look upto the sky they would feel so many emotions; fear, loneliness, excitement, wonder, amazement and nostalgia. I understand people have day to day problems to deal with, I myself have plenty, but one thing I have been taught by my amazing mother and father is to never to take anything for granted and appreciate the small things in life. Well I appreciate the world, the earth, the trees, the stars, the sun, the rain, the moon, the people...I appreciate it all. And I want to learn about it all. Where it came from? How it came to exist? Where is it going? So what you may notice is every now and again my blogs will be dedicated to educating people about certain things whether it be the latest find from the NASA Hubble Telescope or ways in which to reduce your carbon footprint I will do all I can to help people learn more and for those who don't want to learn but just want to do something to help the environment that's fine too :)

I shall leave you with one of my favourite quotes "Astronomy compels the soul to look upward, and leads us from this world to another" - Plato, 'The Republic,' 342 BC

I shall sign off for now.

Regards as always

Georgina Alana Smith


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