Sunday 21 February 2010

Another update.

Ok so just thought I'd keep you posted.

I have made changes to my Media CV and it's looking a lot better. Still needs some tweaking but not much more needs doing on it. Should have it all ready to be sent off later this week! So that means lots of print offs, envelopes and stamps as well as online applications! I am more determined than ever and I am currently trying to build up my London based contacts to prepare for my move down there next year!

In the meantime I start my diet AND exercise tomorrow and I cannot wait! I feel quite excited about starting it! Will keep you posted on my progress! Going for a consultation at Lush on friday to stock up on my skin regime goodies and hope to go swimming or ice skating at some point this week too :)

AND finally one event TRULY made my week...I've been on Twitter for over a year now and follow many people I like/admire on there so imagine my joy the other day when Simon Pegg actually re-tweeted a tweet I sent him! It really made me smile! And it gained me 8 followers in the space of ten minutes! Magic!

That's pretty much it. I'll keep you posted!

Much love

Gina Smith


Wednesday 17 February 2010

An update.

Hello to my TWO followers ha!

To be honest I don't really mind having only two followers as I know people read this without signing up for a blog themselves...ANYWAY...As you know I set my New Years Resolutions the other day and I suppose I could be doing alot better. Up to now the only ones I have managed to stick to are;

  • Not allowing slow walking people, smelly people and inanimate objects to stress me out.
  • Paid off some of my debt on Friday when I got paid.
  • I have cut down on my cursing/swearing ways slightly.

But other than that I am not doing too well. Granted I did create an opening for one of my short film ideas and I have continued writing my fanfic but I really need to spend a little more time doing productive things than allowing myself to be distracted by Facebook and Twitter. I have emailed my Media CV to an old tutor who is going to give me some pointers on how to make my CV stand out a lot more. Once he has passed his notes on to me I am going to make the changes and improvements and send it back to a contact I have in London and back to my tutor and make sure that it's good enough. Once it's been cleared it will be my main aim for the next few weeks, to not only apply for media jobs, but I will also be sending out my CV en mass to EVERY production company possible..And I won't just stop there no, no, no! I will also be making follow up phone calls!

Another thing I need to focus on is healthy eating but I REALLY need to sit down and do a meal plan and think about the right diet..The exercising thing isn't really happening either...When I'm working I'm on my feet all day and walk around alot but I'm looking into prices to work into my budget as ideally I'd love to go swimming and ice skating once a week...And more if I could afford it. Saving up failed this week because by the time I'd paid for my travel for the month, paid my debt,paid keep/rent and treated my boy to a wonderful Valentines Day it hasn't left me with anything! Oh I also need to start my beauty regime..But this also involves a trip to Lush to ask for expert advice in regards to skin care!

So yes up to now I am failing epically at my New Years Resolutions...HOWEVER I'm in a totally kick arse mood this week and after Friday I have THREE days off work..SO I'm going to use my time productively and FILL it with plenty of stuff!

Wish me luck people.



Tuesday 9 February 2010

Feelin' good!

After taking the time to put my News Years Resolutions down on paper I feel so much better.

I now feel as though I have goals and seing them in writing has made me realise they aren't impossible to achieve. I really can't wait to get started with some of the jucier ones and I am intrigued to see how long I can keep certain things going like the healthy eating, exercise and meditation.

Anyway I feel good and optimistic. I'm now going to sign off for the night and read the rest of the Order of the Phoenix (I know I said I would read TWO books a month BUT I am just going to finish reading the rest of the Harry Potter series again before I do this) SO I have Order of the Phoenix, The Half Blood Prince AND Deathly Hallows and then I will start on my resolution of reading books of different genres...Starting with Promised the Moon. It's about the female astronauts who were involved in the Space Race. It sounds like a really good book and was a true bargain at just £3.53 from Amazon!!

I get paid on Friday and will be following my resolutions by paying off some of my debt AND putting some money to one side for savings :) It's also Valentines Day on Sunday SO my boyfriend and I are going for a meal on Friday and I'm buying him a book as a gift...I wonder if he will get me a little present?? If he does I will keep you posted as to what is.

Anyway better sign off for now. Take it easy and good night to all those who follow my blog. I appreciate you reading and following me :)

Sweet dreams



My New Years Resolutions!!

Resolution Number One - I will TRY and not to get so wound up and stressed out about pointless things, people and objects. These include people walking slowly when I'm in a rush, smelly people, rude people and inanimate objects I walk into because I don't watch where I am going properly.

Resolution Number Two - I will SAVE at LEAST £5 from every wage I receive from GAME. This way I can start saving up for my future.

Resolution Number Three - I will CONTINUE to pay off my debts with as much as I can afford with my wages fortnightly. This will help me feel less stressed in the long run.

Resolution Number Four - I will IMPROVE my diet and lifestyle by eating and drinking healthier. I will also STRIVE to do at least ONE form of exercise a week. Such as ice skating or swimming.

Resolution Number Five - I will take CARE of MY MIND and decrease my stress levels by doing at LEAST half an hours worth of meditating/breathing exercises everyday/night.

Resolution Number Six - I will EXPAND my MIND by applying for and studying Module 1 of the Open University Astronomy Course. I shall take it ONE module at a time. As Astronomy is something that has ALWAYS interested me I feel this will enrich my spirit as well as my mind.

Resolution Number Seven - In further keeping to expanding my mind I WILL read at LEAST TWO books a month. Despite the fact I am HUGE Harry Potter fan and would gladly read them OVER and OVER I will try and mix it up and read a range of different genres. Starting with Promised the Moon.

Resolution Number Eight - I will take time out to improve my OUTER appearance. I shall achieve this by losing at LEAST 1stone by the end of March with the aim to fit back in a size 8 by the end of April.

Resolution Number Nine - I shall also help improve my OUTER appearance by sticking to a strict "beauty" regime which will include cleansing, toning and moisturising my face daily, drinking more water and having my hair trimmed EVERY six weeks. This will bring back some of my confidence and self esteem which I feel I have lost.

Resolution Number Ten - I will make IMPROVEMENTS to my Media CV and do my best to NETWORK a bit more in order to gain more contacts.

Resolution Number Eleven - I will APPLY for jobs at Production Companies in order to expand my chances of gaining PERMANENT Media work.

Resolution Number Twelve - I shall also ASK people about the chances of work instead of waiting to find out someone who really DOES NOT deserve the job has got it and then getting annoyed. When in reality it's not their fault it's mine. I need to be more ballsy and live by the old saying "YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET!"

Resolution Number Thirteen - I shall CONTACT my old acting tutors and accept the help they have offered me in regards to helping me build up my ACTING CV.

Resolution Number Fourteen - I shall make it MY point to have appeared in at LEAST TWO plays/short films/music videos/TV pilots by mid July 2010.

Resolution Number Fifth teen - I shall not be so self deprecating about my ideas and WILL type up my TV pilot and short film ideas. I will then SEEK out people to help me make them. Therefore making work for me which will enable me to incorporate my MEDIA and ACTING skills in one go.

Resolution Number Sixteen - I WILL cut down on my swearing and act more lady like. Swearing IS NOT neither big nor clever and I would preferably like to be both :)

Resolution Number Seventeen - Talking of lady like I am AIMING to change my style and will therefore DRESS in a more FEMININE manner instead of always opting for t-shirt and jeans (there WILL still be wearing of t-shirt and jeans but not as often). This includes wearing heels more often and also includes "making more of what I've got".

Resolution Number Eighteen - I will make MORE of an effort to go out more. By this resolution I do NOT mean go out drinking or to a nightclub but be more SOCIABLE with friends and/or my boyfriend. This includes going to the cinema, theatre, gigs and shopping trips.

Resolution Number Nineteen - I WILL sort out the following; sending off the FORM to replace my LOST passport, both apply and send off for a PROVISIONAL driving license AND look into costs for driving lessons with the aim of starting these at the END of June.

Resolution Number Twenty - I WILL ensure I complete ALL of the resolutions listed above BUT above all I will laugh more, smile more and be myself in 2010.

Let me know what you think of these people...


Gina Smith


Alot has happened.

I haven't written a blog in a while and I thought today it was about time I did.

Alot happened last year...I lost my job, I lost my father to cancer and I lost my way in life. Anyone who has lost a loved will know that it makes you re-think your life. It makes you realise that life is too short and needs to be enjoyed. I went through so many emotions losing my dad. He was like my best friend, my protector and he always knew how to put me at ease. He had a way with words and if I was confused about something I could speak to him and just know what to do. Not to mention the fact he was 1 in a 1,000,000! He had the best sense of humour, the most brilliant mind and was one of lifes truely selfless people. There will never be another person like my dad and I will always miss him.

It's now 5months on and the thing I can't seem to grasp it how the pain I feel of having lost him seems magnified. The confusion I feel in trying to understand I won't see him again is heightened and my heart is feeling heavier than ever. BUT people in the know have told me this makes perfect sense...Apparently it shows I'm begining to accept he's gone..Something I didn't think was possible but I suppose in a way I did kind of realise the other day that he's gone...I know I'll see him again one day but not for a long while.

I don't know if anyone out there believe that dreams can mean something more than just confusion. But I had TWO dreams that REALLY stood out to me and I sought out guidance from a good friend as to what they mean. Both dreams had some very odd imagery to them and made me wake up with a frown. The interpretation shows that I feel as though a part of myself has died (which again anyone who has lost a loved one will know that's how you feel) One of the dreams involved old gravestones which represents that I am looking for an old part of my personality. I found this particularly strange as I have mentioned to my boyfriend on numerous occassions that I just want to feel how I used to 6 years ago. My dad was diagnosed with Cancer 5 years ago and ever since then I changed...I didn't laugh as much, I got more serious, I was more quick to snap and I just lost motivation. Whereas 6 years ago I felt young, fresh, happy and free spirited. As I'm only 24 I DO NOT feel that I should feel so pessismistic...I'm STILL only young. The other parts of my dreams were interpreted to mean I am trying to find my way back to a creative side of my personality (this is most definitely true I used to have an aspiration of being a theatre actress and is something I am currently looking to get back into) The dream interpretation also shown that I have an obstacle to get over and will have to work hard to achieve my dreams but that my dad will be guiding me EVERY step of the way believes in me.

I felt so enlightened with the interpretations of BOTH dreams that I am now feeling quite determined, optimistic, nervous, excited and somewhat child like of what my future could hold. You see it took losing my dad to realise that all those years ago NO ONE else stopped me from achieveing my goals OR believing my dreams but myself. I used to think LIFE was being cruel and throwing crap at me constantly but I now realise that I have more control over my life than I thought and it feels good.

SO what next? WELL it may be a little later than MOST people BUT I am currently typing up a list of New Years Resolutions and I am SO determined to follow them all through. I will be blogging more often than usual so watch this space. By the way...I shall ALSO be posting my RESOLUTIONS...I'd love to hear what you make of them and would love any support ANY of you could offer me!

Much love to all

Gina Smith
